Built-in Obsolescence in Inkjet Cartridges?


This is what an Epson T088320 magenta color inkjet cartridge looks like from the inside. It was split open by “Inkdaddy” in his effort to ascertain how much ink was in the cartridge.  It contains around 3ml of ink. But this is not obvious because the transparent plastic cover that you are seeing is actually masked by the product label.

The cartridge contains a network of multiple intricate sub-compartments, instead of a single compartment. Ink comes to the nozzle from two separate compartments! Obviously, Epson does not want you (or the guy at the mall) to experiment with poking needles to refill the cartridge. Nevertheless, there are techniques for the undaunted.

Though not pictured here, the cartridge is also said to contain two chips. And once the ink dries, they supposedly render the cartridge useless.

This built-in obsolescence in inkjet cartridges is becoming a sad trend these days.


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5 Responses

  1. Bob C says:

    I was not aware of this but not surprised at all. I’m sure they make most of their money on the ink replacements.

  2. mrs eldred says:

    Every cartridge manufacturer must be ordered to print clearly the amount of ink in each of its cartridge, on their cartridge label. It should be mandatory.

  3. MK says:

    I’m wondering if this cartridge is the starter cartridge that comes with the printer. Those are known to hold less ink than their replacements.

  1. December 15, 2011

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  2. November 23, 2012

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