Category: Internet Subculture

Fake Stocks in a Fake Stock Market?

The GME buying frenzy instigated by the Wallstreetbets Subreddit provoked a completely disproportionate response from The Powers That Be. Major Finance pundits started warning against buying GME on their talk shows. For the first time ever, a coordinated (but illegal) effort was made by retail brokerage apps to restrict the buying of the shares. It is clear that some hedge funds had a lot to lose. But Reddit user johnnydaggers proposes a theory of something even more sinister.

Suspicious Timing of Crypto CEO’s alleged death

On 1st February 2019, news broke that Gerald Cotten, the CEO of cryptocurrency exchange QuadrigaCX, had died in India — and taken the passwords to hundreds of millions of dollars worth of digital money with him to the grave. Many have pointed out that something does not add up. Here, I add another strange coincidence. Now I introduce how the India connection makes things even more suspicious.

A Redditor Laments on the Destruction of Reddit

A Reddit user going by the moniker aaaa222 put up an interesting post in r/conspiracy 26 days ago, on how Reddit’s culture of being a geek meritocracy was being undermined by dark forces. He claims that the post disappeared after it gained a lot of traction (and then suddenly reappeared). We are preserving his post here for the day when Reddit will be posthumously remembered as another Digg.

Who killed Encyclopaedia Dramatica?

In April 2011, the url of Encyclopaedia Dramatica began redirecting to OhInternet. In a span of a few days, an important part of the Internet subculture Anonymous had disappeared. And was replaced by a website similar to the dozens of websites that commercialize Internet phenomena. Here’s some investigation of what may have happened.